Our Company
DNS Ownership: Jonathan Sriberg (President)
and Akshat Sethi (Director)
Debt Negotiation Services (DNS) is
a fictitious name used by Touchstone Partners, Inc.
for all debt settlement services.
Pioneers in the Debt Settlement Industry
Not only are we the oldest and most experienced debt settlement company in the country, we were the ones who actually wrote and published the book on it.
As far back as 1998, members of our company were involved in the fledgling debt settlement industry developed during a meeting at the offices of John Cummuta, author of Debt Free & Prosperous Living, at his Boscobel, Wisconsin offices. Financial management experts came from around the country suggesting a variety of ways to assist with consumer credit card debt including legal models, home equity loans, credit disputes, and a number or different ideas.
Our team was aware that settlement activities took place for many years, but it was always in the hands of a limited number of attorneys and at an extremely high cost to consumers who were able to afford a lawyer to negotiate on their behalf. We thought “Why not make this easily available to all consumers at a fair price?” And while some companies stuck with legal or home equity solutions we developed the model eventually used by the rest of the industry.
Our Book – The Debt Free Warrior
We wrote and published the book The Debt Free Warrior as a way to instruct consumers how to settle debt themselves. While it was a popular idea, we found that most people preferred to have experts handle the negotiation and settlements on their behalf. Because of this we decided to focus our efforts on representing clients while still offering our book at no cost as a way to better educate themselves on dealing with their finances.
Changes in the Industry and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
With any new business opportunities comes companies that try to make a quick buck at the cost of their clients. Many businesses emerged that charged high up-front fees and did not deliver on their promises of settlement. With complaints mounting the FTC passed sweeping regulations in 2010 that restricted debt settlement companies from defrauding clients. DNS remained strong and successful during this transition period due as we already had a proven track record of treating our clients fairly and delivering on the settlement promises we always made.
DNS Today – If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!
To this day, we remain focused on one simple task. Negotiate settlements for our clients. It has worked for over 20 years, and we have saved our clients countless millions of dollars in the process. While we never want to see our clients suffering from financial headaches, we will always stand ready to help restore peace of mind and financial freedom.
Everything you need to know about our process.
The program will get you out of debt for less than you owe and help to keep debt collectors and creditors from harassing you during the settlement process.
This program is designed for individuals, families of all ages, and businesses struggling or unable to make minimum payments to Creditors due to financial hardship, family emergencies, divorce, unexpected medical emergencies, and others who are seeking options other than bankruptcy or credit counseling.
Our fee is never higher than the amount you are quoted when you enroll into the program and is based on how much we save you on each of your settlements. Business clients are charged a flat rate for any debts other than credit cards that represents a small percentage of the enrolled debt. There are no other charges or fees or other recurring costs as part of our basic program, except for modest fees charged by the bank for maintaining your account. Business clients are also charged a small one-time fee to gather their company’s documents and assess all signed corporate agreements to create a settlement strategy.
After enrolling, your creditors are sent a notification letter that you are enrolled in the DNS Debt Settlement Program and how the settlement process will work. They are also informed to direct all communications directly to DNS.
You begin to place money into your savings account immediately. Once sufficient funds have accumulated, our Settlement Department will begin the process of negotiating settlements with creditors with the focus on saving you as much money as possible. This process continues until all of your debts have been paid.
You are free to speak with Creditors and Collectors, however the best course of action is to notify them that you are working with our company and provide our contact information. Many Creditors and Collectors use aggressive tactics in an effort to frighten you into dealing with them directly. Some will claim that they will not work with a settlement company, others will try to frighten you into not working with settlement companies because they “will rob you of your money” or “they are not reliable”. These are nothing more than scare tactics-because they know they will get more money out of you if you are convinced to deal with them directly.
Although Creditors and Collectors are notified that you are enrolled in our Program, they may continue to call you. They often claim that they have never worked with us or heard of us but this is nothing more than another tactic to get you to deal directly with them. Provide them with our contact information and hang up the phone.
Sometimes. However, both State and Federal laws regulate how much they can contact you. An explanation of these regulations is included in the documents you will receive after enrolling in the Program.
Some do, but you can put a stop to this immediately. State and Federal laws prohibit Collectors (and in some cases the original Creditor who issued your card) from contacting you in your place of employment. Simply inform them that you are not allowed to receive personal calls at your office and that any future calls from them will be breaking the law. This should eliminate future calls to your office.
You will probably continue to receive billing statements and demand letters from some Collectors and Creditors. You should immediately mail or fax these to our office in order to maintain your records.
In most cases, you will continue to receive interest charges and late fees until a debt is settled.
We are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice or prevent you from being sued. However, we are able to work with you in making an informed decision as to what response (if any) is appropriate to a legal challenge from one of your Creditors or Collectors. If you are sued, our goal remains the same, namely to settle with that Creditor or Collector in a timely fashion.
Your funds are held in an FDIC insured bank account. All payments are deposited into your individual account until enough funds have been reached for us to make a settlement offer. No money is deducted from this account without your authorization.
Yes. You are encouraged to put any additional money you can into this account It will speed-up the settlement process. You are allowed to decrease your contribution at any time, but keep in mind that this will increase the time it takes to get your accounts settled and can add months or even years to the process. It is always a good idea to speak with us before decreasing any payments.
This program handles unsecured debt, meaning the debt is not secured with collateral. Acceptable debts are credit cards, medical bills, legal bills, judgments, unsecured personal loans of any type, vendor or supplier debts, defaulted property leases, retail debt and collections. Examples of unacceptable debt are home mortgages, automobile loans, motorcycle loans, boat loans, IRS tax liens, government-backed student loans, child support and alimony.
Your credit rating is determined primarily by two factors, the amount of credit you have and your payment history. The very fact that you are looking at The DNS Debt Settlement Program indicates that you have more consumer debt than you can currently pay and are starting (or will shortly begin) to show late payments on your credit report. If your credit has not already started a downhill slide it surely will do so soon. As with any Debt Settlement program, the program will have a negative impact on your credit. Defaulting on payments is what enables us to begin negotiations to provide you with favorable settlements. The Program will accomplish two very important goals towards restoring your credit rating: (1) When you finish the Program your consumer debt will be less than when you began the Program which is a positive factor in calculating your credit score and (2) The present consumer debt on your credit report that is included in the Program will show a zero balance which will help to offset the fact that you have had late payments in the past.
You may terminate your Debt Settlement Program at any time before a settlement is negotiated and you can withdraw any or all of the funds from your settlement account without penalty.